“We do 6-7 presentations every year and Arlene’s presentation was one of our highest rated in years.”
– Cathy, American Marketing Association, Minnesota
Designer of the “the one UN climate report infographic you need to see,” Arlene Birt teaches scientists how to communicate -visually- to non-expert audiences.
She also trains designers to collaborate with scientists and communicate science.
- Communicating Science: reaching non-specialist audiences
- Visual storytelling: Putting data into context
- Emotionally connecting audiences to science
- For scientists: Collaborative design processes
- For designers: Co-designing with Scientists

Arlene took time to understand our group, was great to work with and … genuinely engaged the audience.
– Cathy, American Marketing Association MN

“Very helpful creative ideas that I can actually incorporate into my work starting today.“
– participant, Behavior, Energy and Climate Change workshop
Since 2007, Arlene Birt has been invited around the world to give presentations that share expertise, her work, sustainability communication, and visual storytelling.
Arlene is also a Climate Reality speaker.
- Science Communication
- Visual storytelling
- Data Visualization
- Climate Communication


- COP29 Climate Conference (Baku, Azerbaijan) | Communicating Science:
Strategies to bridge the gap between Hydrological Science and non-expert audiences | November 2024 - Distributed Innovation Design International Dialogue (DIDID) conference (Wuhan, China) | Visual Storytelling Climate Communication | December 2023
- Speaking Science conference: University of Minnesota (MN, US) | presentation & workshop | March and April 2023
- UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 Synthesis Report Core Writing Meeting (IE) | presentation to IPCC authors on best practices in data visualization and visual cognitive load | 2022
- Nobel conference: Gustavus Adolphus College (MN, US) | solo exhibition & presentation associated with ’Big Data REvolution’ | 2021
- Behavior, Energy, Climate Change conference (DC, US) | webinar & workshop | 2020
- Twin Cities Startup Week (MN, US) | co-presented w/ Ecotone Analytics | 2020
- Behavior, Energy, Climate Change conference (DC, US) | workshop | 2019
- American Marketing Association (MN) & Insight Analytics (MN, US) | keynote | 2019
- Twin Cities DataVis Meetup – special Eyeo session (MN, US) | invited presentation | 2019
- Twin Cities Big Data, Data Science and Analytics Community conference, MinneFRAMA, (MN, US) | featured presentation | 2018
- Behavior, Energy, Climate Change Conference (DC, US) | panel presentation: arts and science collaborations | 2018
- Sustainable Brands ‘Innovation Lab’ on Good Cities (BC, Canada) | workshop: design thinking for sustainable cities | 2018
- Talk Climate Institute (Climate Generation, MN, US) | presentation: arts and climate | 2018
- National Council for Science and Environment, Annual Conference (DC, US) | panel presenter | 2018
- Minnesota Council for Nonprofits, Annual Conference (MN, US) | co-presenter | 2018
- Copernicus Climate Change Service general assembly (Toulouse, France) | presentation on communicating climate science | 2017
- Monicat Data for Art Workshop (MN, US) | Panelist on creative strategy and data visualization | 2017
- MOSES Organic Farming conference (WI, US) | expert roundtable on ‘Visualizing your Farm Story’ | 2017
- Environmental Initiative’s Business and Environment Series (MN, US) | “Sustainability Storytelling: Going Beyond the Report” | 2016
- Sustainability Employee Engagement Network (SEEN) Virtual Summit | 2016
- Spectrum Brands’ Global Sustainability Annual Meeting (WI, US) | presentation on communicating sustainability | 2016
- Copernicus climate change communications workshop (Brussels, Belgium) | European Sustainable Energy Week | 2015
- Retail Sustainability Conference (MN, US) | keynote | 2014
- Sustainable Food Institute (Monterey Bay Aquarium, CA, US) | keynote | 2014
- TEDxFulbright (DC, US) | Sustainability: Made Visual | 2014
- Interaction14 (ixda) (The Netherlands) | ‘The Visual [Emotional] Vocabulary of Sustainability’ | 2014
- University Nebraska – Lincoln (NE, US) | public presentation during artist visit | 2013
- Visualized (NY, US) | presentation at conference on Information Design | 2012
- Interaction12 (ixda) (Ireland) | workshop: narrative visualization for sustainability | 2012
- Green Information Design (Austria) | presentation on narrative visualization | 2011
- MEDEA Talk #15 (Sweden) | presentation at collaborative media institute, Malmö University | 2010
- Earth Day ‘Pecha Kucha’ at Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MN, US) | “Designing our way out of this” | 2010
- Joint OECD and International Institute for Information Design Conference (France) | 2009
- New Media Meeting 4 (Sweden) | 2009
- AIGA Minnesota Sustainability Retreat (MN, US) | 2009
- New Media Meeting 3 (Sweden) | online presentation | 2008
- Twin Cities Solutions (MN, US) | 2007
- Walker Art Center (MN, US) | Group presentation curated by Twin Cities Solutions | 2007
- Doors of Perception Conference (India) | 2007